Friday, October 15, 2010

Online Shopping is What Women Want

Online shopping might not make the most intriguing premise for a romantic comedy, but if Mel Gibson's character in "What Women Want" could read women's minds today, he'd find online shopping near the top of their list. 

jj-winter-fringe-suede-bag.jpg picture by aminfuad

Call it nature, call it nurture, call it the urge to splurge; but shopping has translated easily for women into the digital age. Just behind social media and messaging, retail garners the fourth largest percentage of women's digital lives. Of those 25 hours a month spent online, an average of 70 minutes is dedicated solely to shopping therapy.

The report proves online retail is a bona fide cultural norm in North America these days, with 85 percent of women using the Internet to research, compare and buy everything from handbags to video games. Not only do ladies spend a whopping 20-percent more time than dudes browsing online retail sites, in the U.S. they account for 58 percent of dollars spent.

The hottest online markets are also those considered traditionally female. Comparison shopping and apparel sites are the two most popular places, each culling visits from 25 percent of all women online. In fact, with the exception of man-cave items like computers, electronics and outdoor equipment, women outspend men in every major retail category: Yes, even the aforementioned video games and consoles, though the researchers mention these are likely purchased for children -- or child-like husbands.

What, then, does this all mean for online shopping trends?

jessica_alba_grove.jpg picture by aminfuad

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